Skeptical Debunkers and the Afterlife

One of many biggest sources of afterlife info ever was the British direct voice medium Leslie Flint (1911-1994). His seance periods have been nicely documented and recorded. Throughout any seance, voices would resonate out of skinny air across the medium. All through all of the many years of his mediumship, nobody may discover any proof of fraud or any type of trickery. Leslie Flint was maybe probably the most examined and verified medium who ever lived. In line with his ebook, Voices within the Darkish, Leslie Flint himself as soon as mentioned, “I feel I can safely say I’m probably the most examined medium this nation has ever produced… I’ve been boxed up, tied up, sealed up, gagged, sure and held, and nonetheless the voices have come to talk their message of life everlasting.”

Due to the extraordinary nature of Leslie Flint’s “powers,” there are nonetheless many, many individuals who don’t settle for or imagine in what he had achieved. Someway they don’t seem to be satisfied sufficient despite the recordings, the overwhelming proof, the knowledge that got here by, and all of the witnesses who the place in themselves positively satisfied. What I’ve discovered concerning nonbelievers, is that they normally had the next attitudes in frequent: a powerful prejudice or conviction of their unfavorable opinion of Leslie Flint, poor info or information normally concerning the topic of spiritualism, no private religious or psychic experiences of any type, an total lack of open-mindedness, and eventually an incapability or unwillingness to totally examine the potential of the afterlife. Typically it’s one’s non secular beliefs that get in the best way of permitting a extra compassionate and understanding strategy to the validity and innocence of spiritualism, or it’s typically on account of an reverse view steeped deeply in atheism and an overwhelmingly materialistic and mechanical view of life 라인사기.

Allow us to assume that in some way Leslie Flint was only a fraud, I do not know the way he may have fooled everybody who attended his seances for 60 years, and he must be a magician many occasions extra delicate than Chris Angel mixed with the knowledge of King Solomon and the perception and psychic energy of Edgar Cayce together with a photographic reminiscence and an unusually inventive and constant creativeness! If he actually was only a gorgeous and ingenious parlor trick showman because the skeptics would need you to imagine, then why did he not merely carry out as an extremely uncommon magician and/or ventriloquist for a multimillion greenback revenue at locations like Las Vegas? Or why did Leslie Flint, the so-called parlor trick showman, not purchase a multimillion contract with Hollywood or Walt Disney Productions? As an alternative, why did he depart his beloved dance associate and profitable dancing profession solely to be an oftentimes broke direct voice medium spiritualist mocked by skeptics, condemned by satan phobic, closed minded Christians, after which sure, gagged and intimately scrutinized repeatedly for years and years by skeptical scientists, docs and researchers?

The one manner I may think about it being a parlor trick